Terms and Conditions of sales

 _updated on January 1st, 2024_

Clause n° 1 : Scope and Modification of General terms of sales. 

Les conditions générales de vente s’appliquent à toutes les ventes conclues avec la société French Flair SASU

Registered office – 1 rue Magnier Bedu 95 410 GROSLAY

Tel – 01 34 28 57 08

Enregistrée au RC 812 874 253 000 22 NAF 4690Z Numéro TVA Intracommunautaire FR91812874253 


They detail the rights and obligations of the company French Flair SASU and its Customer in the context of the sale of collections of children's articles, referred to as "Products."

Any service provided by the company French Flair SASU implies the unconditional acceptance of these general terms of sale by the Customer.

The company French Flair SASU reserves the right to adapt or modify its terms of sale at any time. The general terms of sale are accepted upon the first delivery.

Clause n°2 : Products and Points of Sale

Le Client dispose d’un droit non exclusif (sauf accord particulier sur un territoire donné) de commercialiser et de vendre les gammes et marques distribuées par la société French Flair SASU au sein de son point de vente agréé, dans le pays d’origine.

Le Client pourra vendre les Produits via son point de vente ou via son site internet. Le Client ne peut pas mettre sur le marché ou vendre les Produits via les plates formes de ventes par Internet type Ebay, Le Bon Coin, Amazon ou autres market place type La Redoute, CDISCOUNT… /lieux autres que ceux spécifiés ci-dessus.

The Customer cannot engage in the wholesale of the Products.

For the online sale of Products, French Flair SASU will provide all the necessary marketing material (photos, banners) for the perfect execution of the online listing. No material can be modified without prior agreement between the parties.

Clause n°3 : Offer valid while stocks last 

Our product offers are valid while stocks last.

For products not stored in our warehouses, our offers are subject to availability from our suppliers. These details come directly from our suppliers, and errors or exceptional changes are beyond our control and do not engage our responsibility.

Upon ordering, French Flair SASU will inform you of the product's availability. However, if, despite our attention, the products are temporarily or permanently unavailable, we will inform you as soon as possible. We cannot be held responsible for delivery delays not respected and will not bear penalties from our Customers.

In case of temporary or permanent stock shortage of any product in your order; you will be contacted by email or phone by our sales department, and a replacement product will be suggested.

Clause n° 4: Orders, Cancellation, or Product Returns

Les commandes doivent être placées et confirmées via notre logiciel ODOO. La commande engage le Client au moment où il la passe et la société French Flair SASU au moment où elle donne confirmation.

The Customer systematically checks the order confirmations, and any errors or omissions are immediately reported to French Flair SASU. If, upon receipt of the confirmation, no errors are reported within 24 hours, the order is considered validated.

Products cannot be returned without the authorization of French Flair SASU.

The Customer has a period of 7 days from receipt to return the product that does not suit. The shipping and return costs will be borne by the customer. Only the price of the returned Product(s) will be refunded. The products must be returned to the following address: French Flair 1 rue Magnier Bedu Building A16 95410 GROSLAY France.

Accepted products are complete, in their original condition (packaging, accessories, instructions, etc.). Incomplete, damaged, or soiled products returned by the Customer are not accepted and are returned at the Customer's expense. 

French Flair SASU undertakes to issue a credit note, deductible from the next order, after receiving the products from us. 

No cash on delivery shipment will be accepted.

The Customer must, at their own expense, obtain the necessary authorizations and comply with the laws, regulations, and ordinances of the geographical area regarding the purchase and resale of Products.

To limit fraud and abuse, French Flair SASU may request all necessary documents from the Customer to unblock the order: company registration documents, bank details, and other certificates showing compliance with your administrative and tax obligations.

French Flair SASU will not accept any product return without a prior commercial agreement and under determined conditions.

Clause n°6 : Delivery, Delivery Times, and Franco

Each order is prepared and checked by 2 logisticians. The products in each box are counted and correspond in quantity to the order and invoice. French Flair provides proof of the quantity of delivered items.

A complaint is only admissible if the invoiced quantity is different from the delivered quantity. Orders are delivered by GLS or by a carrier chartered by French Flair SASU. Delivery times are variable, and the company is dependent on deliveries from its suppliers. In case of delayed delivery, no delivery penalty will be accepted. 

The Franco Port is set at €500 excluding tax for the following countries: Metropolitan France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands.

Surcharges may apply for islands and mountainous deliveries.

For all other European countries, shipping costs are billed at cost, according to the GLS price list.

Clause n° 7 : Prices

The prices of the goods sold are those in effect on the day of invoicing. They are in euros and calculated excluding VAT. Consequently, they will be increased by the applicable VAT rate and transport costs on the day of invoicing . 

In case of an order to a European Union country with a valid intracommunity number, the goods will be invoiced excluding VAT.

For orders to a country other than Metropolitan France, the Customer is the importer of the concerned product(s). For all products shipped outside the European Union and overseas departments and territories, the price will be calculated excluding VAT on the invoice. Customs duties, local taxes, import duties, or state taxes may be payable. These amounts are not within the scope of French Flair SASU's responsibility. They will be borne by the Customer and are their sole responsibility in terms of declarations and payments to the authorities and/or competent bodies in their country.

All invoices, regardless of their origin, are payable in Euros.

French Flair SASU reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, informing its customer with a notice of 1 month, by email and/or newsletter. However, it undertakes to invoice the ordered goods at the prices indicated during the validation of the order on the ODOO platform, subject to the availability of the items.

Clause n° 8 : Selective Distribution 

In the interest of selective distribution and tracking of Products in case of recall, the Point of Sale prohibits resale to other Points of Sale.

Our selective distribution is based on the mandatory referencing of minimum 3 brands available in the country.

Clause n° 9 : Discount

No discount will be granted for early payment.

Clause n° 10 : Payment terms

Pour tout nouveau Client, le règlement s'effectue par PAYPAL (frais de transaction à la charge de l’acheteur), par Carte Bancaire (via Stripe) ou par prélèvement SEPA à la commande (envoi du RIB+KBIS obligatoire à la création du compte client). 

Pour les clients existants, les modalités de règlement sont maintenues. En cas de défaut de règlement, les commandes suivantes seront payables avant livraison par Stripe. 

Clause n° 11 : Late payment 

In case of total or partial non-payment of the goods delivered after the payment deadline, the buyer must pay French Flair SASU a late payment penalty calculated at an interest rate of 10%.

The legal interest rate applied is the one in force on the day of delivery of the goods and is stated on the invoices. According to Ordinance No. 2014-947 of August 20, 2014, the legal interest rate will be revised every 6 months.

This penalty is calculated on the total amount including VAT, if applicable of the outstanding sum and runs from the due date of the price without any prior formal notice being required.

Selon l’article 441-6, I alinéa 12 et D.441.-5 du Code du Commerce, en sus des indemnités de retard, toute somme, y compris l’acompte, non payée à sa date d’exigibilité produira de plein droit le paiement d’une indemnité forfaitaire de 149 euros due au titre des frais de recouvrement. Les recouvrements de nos factures sont effectuées par un organisme professionnel.

In case of the first payment delay, subsequent orders will be suspended.

Clause n° 12 : Resolution Clause 

If within fifteen days following the implementation of the "Late Payment" clause, the buyer has not paid the remaining sums due, the sale will be automatically terminated and may entitle the allocation of damages to French Flair SASU.

Clause n° 13 : Reservation of Ownership Clause

French Flair SASU retains ownership of the goods sold until full payment of the invoices, in principal and accessories. In this regard, if the Customer undergoes a receivership or judicial liquidation, French Flair SASU reserves the right to reclaim and collect, as part of the collective procedure, the sold and unpaid goods. The return of the goods is at the customer's expense. The products, goods, and packaging taken back must be in perfect condition to be resold. After the return and verification, a credit note will be issued.

Clause n°14 : Violation of Intellectual or Industrial Property Rights or Rights stipulated in the Law on Product Marketing 

The Customer must not import, distribute, sell, or market products that violate the intellectual or industrial property rights or rights stipulated in any other law belonging to the brands distributed by French Flair SASU.

The sale of Products does not confer any rights on the Customer regarding the Products, brands, logos, or distinctive signs affixed to the products distributed by French Flair SASU. Any total or partial reproduction, without the express and prior agreement of French Flair SASU and the distributed brands, is strictly prohibited under articles L335-2 and L335-3 of the intellectual property code.

Clause n° 15 : Force Majeure

The responsibility of French Flair SASU cannot be invoked if the non-performance or delay in the performance of one of its obligations described in these general terms of sale results from a case of force majeure. In this respect, force majeure refers to any external, unforeseeable, and irresistible event within the meaning of Article 1148 of the Civil Code.

Clause n° 16 : Competent Court 

Any dispute regarding the interpretation and execution of these general terms of sale is subject to French law.

In the absence of an amicable resolution, the dispute will be brought before the Commercial Court of Pontoise.

Done in  Paris, January 1st, 2024. 

Nathalie Aiach
